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Working time fraud

Working time fraud is when employees act fraudulently and record hours that they have not actually worked. There are various ways in which this can manifest itself, such as entering false working hours, taking advantage of break arrangements or using working time for private purposes while at work without authorization. Modern technologies have expanded the possibilities of working time fraud, which can be carried out both manually and digitally.

What is working time fraud

It is possible to commit working time fraud in various industries, regardless of whether working hours are recorded electronically or manually. Working time fraud typically involves clocking in or out early, filling in time sheets for colleagues or extending break times without permission. Sometimes people can commit working time fraud by falsifying sick notes or taking advantage of work-from-home rules. Cheating on working hours can have serious consequences, including legal action such as warnings or even dismissal. Companies are working to prevent working time fraud by establishing clear workplace timekeeping policies, providing training and, where necessary, introducing technological solutions to ensure accurate monitoring of working hours.

Working time fraud in the EU

European Union member states must implement directives on working time recording. As working time fraud not only violates employees' rights but can also affect fairness in the working environment, it is taken seriously. All EU Member States have different approaches in the fight against working time fraud, but they all emphasize compliance with working time regulations and laws.

Working time fraud in Switzerland

It is necessary for employers and employees in Switzerland to comply with clear working time regulations. Working time fraud is considered a violation of labor law regulations and can have legal consequences. To prevent fraud and ensure that working hours are recorded correctly, Switzerland has mechanisms in place to monitor working hours. It is important that employees understand the consequences of working time fraud and comply with working hours.

Prevention of working time fraud

It is important to have clear guidelines on working time recording and ensure that all employees are aware of them to prevent working time fraud. Training can raise awareness of the issue and educate employees on what behavior is acceptable and what the consequences of working time fraud can be. Improving the accuracy of working time recording and minimizing working time fraud can also be achieved through technological solutions such as time recording software or access control systems.