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Training certificate

A training certificate is an official document issued by an employer at the end of an apprenticeship. It certifies the knowledge, skills and performance acquired during the training period. When applying for a new job, the training certificate is often requested in Germany and Switzerland; it is a key component of the employer's reference.

The content of a training certificate

A training certificate usually contains information about the trainee, the training location, the duration and type of training as well as an assessment of performance. It contains information about the activities learned, skills acquired and behavior during the training period. The aim is for the training certificate to provide an objective assessment of the trainee's performance and enable a meaningful evaluation.

The importance of a training certificate

A qualified training certificate is very important for your future career. It can be decisive for job applications or promotions and serves as proof of the performance and skills achieved during training. Employees in Germany and Switzerland have the right to a favorable reference that corresponds to actual performance and is qualified.

What are the differences between an employment reference and a training reference?

During the training period, a training reference confirms the skills and performance acquired, while an employment reference refers to the professional activity after completion of the training. Normally, an employment reference is issued at the end of an employment relationship and contains information about the activity, performance and behavior at the workplace. It is important to keep both certificates for your professional career in a safe place.