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Personnel management

HR management encompasses the planning, management and development of employees in a company. It covers all activities aimed at deploying staff effectively and efficiently in order to achieve the company's objectives. This includes the recruitment, selection, development, evaluation and retention of staff. Motivated and qualified employees are an important competitive advantage for the long-term success of a company, which is why HR management is crucial.


Recruitment is an important part of personnel management. The aim is to find qualified employees for vacancies in the company. This includes creating job advertisements, searching for qualified applicants, interviewing and selecting suitable personnel. Companies in the EU and Switzerland must ensure that their recruitment processes are free from discrimination and comply with applicable labor laws.

Personnel development

The aim of personnel development is to constantly improve the skills and competencies of employees. Training, further education, mentoring programs and other measures can be used for this purpose. Companies in the EU and Switzerland are increasingly focusing on the professional development of their employees in order to improve their performance and increase employee loyalty.

Performance appraisal 

This process evaluates the performance of employees. This is used to identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals and provide feedback. Companies in the EU and Switzerland must ensure that performance appraisals are objective, transparent and comprehensible in order to promote employee motivation and development.

Staff retention

The aim of staff retention is to retain highly qualified employees in the company in the long term. Attractive working conditions, development opportunities as well as recognition and appreciation can lead to this. Employee retention is an important part of HR management in the EU and Switzerland, as the loss of talented employees can lead to high costs and have a negative impact on company performance.