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The 12 best corporate benefits 2024

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Most companies have now recognized how important employee benefits are. Various studies show which are the most popular additional benefits from an employee's perspective. We present the best corporate benefits in 2024.

The most important information on the best corporate benefits in brief

  • The best corporate benefits vary depending on the study
  • Mobility allowances, work-life balance and retirement provision are often mentioned in particular
  • Choosing the right benefits depends on the needs of the workforce.
  • Strategic benefits planning is important in order to be perceived as an attractive employer

What are the best corporate benefits?

The best corporate benefits are not uniformly defined. There are numerous current studies and surveys dedicated to the topic. Here is a brief overview of the most frequently mentioned benefits:

  • According to Circula, mobility allowances, flexible working arrangements and retirement benefits are the best corporate benefits.
  • In a study by voiio and kununu, the benefit “family and work-life balance” came in first place.
  • A survey by shows that bonuses, travel allowances and the company pension scheme are the most popular.
  • The StepStone job study identifies a high work-life balance, family friendliness and flexible working arrangements as the most important employee benefits.

The 10+ most popular employee benefits according to studies

Although the results of the studies and surveys vary, clear patterns can also be seen in the other rankings. These are the most popular and most important corporate benefits:

  1. Flexible working hours
  2. Flexible workplace models
  3. Mobility allowances
  4. Company pension scheme
  5. Health offers
  6. Further training opportunities
  7. Bonuses and profit sharing
  8. Childcare
  9. Catering offers
  10. Sabbaticals, days off for voluntary work and additional vacation days
  11. Sports and leisure activities
  12. Modern work equipment

1. Flexible working hours

Many studies cite work-life balance and family friendliness as important factors. These can be translated into several corporate benefits, including flexible working hours. These are relatively easy for employers to implement.
Possible options include flexitime or trust-based working hours. A McKinsey study shows that 87 percent of employees would accept this flexibility if it were granted to them.

2. Flexible workplace models

A second benefit that can be derived from the desired work-life balance is flexible workplace models. There is a whole range of specific employee benefits that can go hand in hand with this:

  • Home office
  • workation
  • job sharing
  • Dog in the workplace

Remote work in particular is now a very popular part of the working arrangement, especially among younger generations.

3. Mobility offers

An often underestimated additional benefit, but in many studies and surveys in one of the top places: Mobility offers. These primarily include job tickets, subsidies for public transport, but also a company bike and, for commuters, the option of a company car.
Bike leasing in particular is an increasingly popular corporate benefit for employees in cities who live close to their workplace.

4. Company pension scheme

Many researchers believe that the statutory pension in Germany, for example, will not be sufficient for younger generations in particular. It is therefore not surprising that the company pension scheme is also one of the most popular employee benefits.

5. Health offers

Whether yoga classes, gym memberships such as the Urban Sports Club or other offers to promote mental and physical health - these additional benefits are also becoming increasingly popular.
From an employer's perspective, the tax advantage of these corporate benefits is interesting. Up to 600 euros per year and employee are tax-free.

6. Further training opportunities

A LinkedIn study shows that 90 percent of companies that struggle with employee retention offer further training opportunities - as the most effective method against churn.
Especially today, when many young employees would like to develop further and do not want to remain in the same position with the same tasks for decades, seminars, e-learning offers, courses and so on are important as an employee benefit.

7. Bonuses and profit sharing

Compared to the corporate benefits presented so far, bonuses and profit sharing are very hard, rigid and linked to clear conditions. However, although money is often no longer the sole deciding factor for or against a job, these monetary incentives are a popular benefit.

8. Childcare

There are several ways in which employers can support childcare for their employees. Some companies offer a company kindergarten as an additional benefit - this is probably a top benefit for many, also in terms of the desired family friendliness.
However, there is also the option for companies to pay their employees tax-free kindergarten and childcare allowances.

9. Catering services

In principle, the following applies to all employers: benefits in kind are tax-free up to a limit of 50 euros per month and employee. This budget is often used for meal allowances.
Other catering offers such as free drinks or the much-cited and ridiculed fruit basket are also popular benefits.

10. Sabbaticals, days off for voluntary work and additional vacation days

Not everyone wants a sabbatical or days off for voluntary work. However, most employees are certainly happy to take a few extra days off.
Such offers are particularly popular in young companies with a younger workforce. There is also a link here to flexible workplace models. For example, some companies offer a mixture of sabbatical and workation.

11. Sports and leisure activities

Special sports and leisure activities are also popular with employees. These include, for example, company sports groups, joint running activities or other sporting activities. Some companies also offer purely recreational activities such as joint barbecues or other activities.
Employers usually support these offers in two ways: in terms of infrastructure, for example with indoor time for the soccer team, and financially, for example by covering all the costs for the next team barbecue.

12. Modern work equipment

This corporate benefit is standard in many companies, but by no means in all of them: modern work equipment. Especially in tech-savvy professions, this additional benefit can tip the scales and increase satisfaction and productivity.

What benefits make employers attractive?

It doesn't matter which corporate benefits you as an employer offer your employees - the most important thing is that you offer additional benefits. These should then be tailored to the needs of the employees.
For example, let's say you employ a lot of mothers and fathers who live an average of 30 kilometers away from the workplace. Corporate benefits such as joint parties after work, company bikes and modern work equipment may seem like great offers at first glance, but on closer inspection they may not be so accepted.
In this example, flexible working hours and workplace models, the option of childcare or at least a subsidy would be better. Regardless of the example, this means that the benefits that make an employer attractive are always those that suit its employees and are appreciated by them.

Conclusion: The best corporate benefits change from time to time

This example already shows that the same corporate benefits are not the best choice for every company. What's more, employees' expectations are constantly changing.
However, one thing is certain: as an employer without additional benefits, you will have a hard time in the battle for skilled workers and, above all, young applicants. The kununu Salary Survey 2022, for example, shows that employees in companies with few benefits are significantly less satisfied. According to this survey, there should be at least five benefits for at least two thirds of the workforce to be satisfied.
In short, that means: An appropriate benefits strategy is now more mandatory than optional if you want to build a reputable employer brand.

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