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No more username & password thanks to SSO

As an alternative to another username and password that you have to remember, you can also log in as securely and easily as possible using single sign-on (SSO).

No more username & password thanks to SSO
Google Single Sign On
Microsoft Azure Single Sign On

Google Single Sign On

Easy access, less effort: With Google SSO, you and your HR team can easily access a variety of HR applications by only having to log in once with your Google account. This seamless integration not only simplifies access, but also reduces the administrative burden of passwords, increasing the efficiency of HR processes.

Microsoft Azure Single Sign On

Security and efficiency combined: Microsoft Azure SSO provides a centralized platform for accessing HR tools by requiring them to authenticate only once with your Microsoft account. This solution not only increases security through precise access controls, but also optimizes the management of user access and saves valuable time for HR administrators.

An icon representing a toggle input, toggled to the leftAn icon representing a toggle input, toggled to the right
Microsoft Azure Single Sign On
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