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How to integrate digital payroll accounting into your HR system landscape

Payroll accounting is part of the accounting department's core business. Employees don't just receive their basic salary - provisions, non-cash benefits, bonuses and other forms of pay must also be recorded correctly. Many companies still use manual and analogue processes or different systems that do not interact with each other.

A look at empirical studies shows how sustainable and valuable digital payroll accounting that is integrated into the company's HR ecosystem is. Three out of four companies recognise the importance of automating and integrating various HR processes and implementing self-service tools (Deloitte, 2020). However, many are not yet ready in practice.

In this white paper, we look at the advantages of digital and systemically integrated payroll accounting and the role HR software plays in this. Because, this much can be revealed in advance: In most cases, HR solutions are already in place, but payroll accounting is done separately. That works better.