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Overnight accommodation allowance

An employer reimburses its employees the overnight accommodation allowance to cover the costs incurred for an overnight stay during business trips. This lump sum is intended to cover the costs of accommodation, breakfast and possibly other expenses. to compensate for other ancillary costs. Payment is normally made per overnight stay and may vary depending on the country and company policy.

How does the accommodation allowance work?

Normally, the overnight allowance is determined before the business trip begins. First, the employee pays the costs for the overnight stay themselves and then submits the relevant receipts to the employer. The employer then pays the agreed lump sum. The flat-rate accommodation allowance is often paid as a lump sum without detailed receipts in order to minimize the administrative burden.

Regulations in the EU

There is no uniform regulation for the accommodation allowance within the European Union. Each country has the option of setting its own regulations and maximum limits. It is therefore important to find out about the relevant regulations before traveling abroad on business so that there are no problems with invoicing.

Regulations in Switzerland

Lump-sum accommodation rates are not regulated by law in Switzerland. However, companies often follow the recommendations of the Swiss Employers' Association to determine appropriate per diems. You should observe the employer's internal guidelines and ask for clarification if necessary in order to avoid misunderstandings.