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Pay out overtime

Overtime pay refers to the practice of paying employees extra money for work that goes beyond their normal working hours. Various reasons can lead to overtime, such as an increased workload, projects with tight deadlines or unexpected work demands. Labor laws in many countries regulate how overtime is compensated and what payment is provided for it.

Legal provisions

The regulations on the payment of overtime in the EU are set out in the European Union's Working Time Directive. According to this directive, employees have the right to be paid appropriately for overtime. However, the exact regulations may vary from country to country. In Switzerland, overtime is regulated in accordance with the Labor Act. Under this law, overtime must usually be compensated either through financial compensation or time off.

Contractual employment regulations

The payment of overtime is often also stipulated in the employment contract. Employment contracts should contain clear provisions on how overtime is recorded, approved and paid, as this is important. Occasionally, specific agreements on the amount of overtime pay may also be included in the employment contract. It is important for employees to thoroughly review their employment contract to understand how overtime is regulated in their company.

Overtime compensation

It sometimes happens that overtime is not paid out financially, but is granted as time off in lieu. This means that employees are given additional days off to compensate for the overtime they have worked. As it gives employees the opportunity to relax and maintain a good work-life balance, compensatory time off can be a popular option.

Work culture and communication

It is important to treat overtime respectfully so that employees feel comfortable. It is important that employers create a work environment where employees are able to record overtime and compensate appropriately. Open communication about overtime expectations can help avoid misunderstandings and create a positive work environment. If employees have questions about overtime pay, they should contact their HR department or supervisor.