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Calculate overtime

Calculating overtime refers to calculating the additional hours an employee has worked over and above the agreed working hours. The remuneration or compensation for these hours may vary depending on the employment contract and legislation. To ensure that labor law regulations are complied with and that the workload of employees is kept under control, it is important to record and compensate overtime correctly.

Why is it important to record overtime?

It is important to calculate overtime correctly to ensure that employees are paid appropriately for their additional work. It is also to ensure that legal requirements are met, maximum working hours are not exceeded and the health and safety of employees is protected. Overtime can also indicate that there are problems in the work organization and help to identify and solve these problems.

How overtime is calculated

As a rule, overtime is calculated based on a fixed time frame, which comprises the weekly or monthly working hours. The actual hours worked are compared with the agreed working hours. Employers must comply with the specific legal regulations on overtime pay that apply in many countries, including the EU and Switzerland. In order to record and calculate overtime correctly, it is important to keep accurate records of working hours.

Avoid overtime with these tips

Employers can take measures to reduce overtime, such as improving work organization, introducing flexible working time models and promoting a good work-life balance, as well as training employees in efficient working methods. To prevent burnout and health problems among employees, it is important to react early to signs of excessive overtime. Good communication between employers and employees can help to reduce overtime and create a healthy working environment.