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Application rejection

Rejecting an application refers to notifying an applicant that he or she has not been selected for a specific position in a company. There are various reasons for this rejection, such as lack of qualifications, unsuitable experience or the better fit of another applicant.

Reasons for rejection

There are various reasons why applications are rejected. Often the required qualifications or experience for the advertised position are lacking. Sometimes the personal characteristics of the applicant do not match the corporate culture or the requirements of the position. It can happen that internal applicants or candidates are better suited to the position and external applications are therefore rejected. Companies must give applicants a clear and respectful rejection in order to leave a positive impression and maintain the company's image. Open communication about the application process and the reasons for the rejection can help applicants to view the company positively despite the rejection.

Tips for applicants who have received a rejection

It is important that applicants remain positive and see the rejection as an opportunity for further development. Getting feedback on the application or application process can help to understand what can be improved. It is also recommended to continue looking for suitable positions and focus on new opportunities. Discovering new career opportunities can also be helpful through networking. As applicants cultivate their professional contacts and make new connections, they may unexpectedly encounter potential job offers. It is crucial to stay calm and not be discouraged by a rejection, as the perfect job may only be one application away.

Legal issues in the EU and Switzerland

There are legal regulations in the European Union and Switzerland that govern the handling of job applications. This also includes how rejections are issued. Companies are obliged to give applicants a reasoned rejection and may not discriminate on the basis of gender, age, origin or other protected characteristics. Companies must ensure that they comply with data protection regulations and adequately protect confidential information in job applications. Applicants in the EU and Switzerland also have the right to receive information about the reasons for a rejection and can take legal action if they feel they have been treated unfairly.

Dealing with rejections during the application process

It is important to deal with rejections during the application process in a professional and respectful manner. Clear and friendly communication with applicants, even in the event of a rejection, can strengthen the company's reputation. Providing applicants with feedback on their applications can help them improve their skills and increase their chances of securing future positions. To avoid confusion, it is advisable to let applicants know as soon as possible that their application has been unsuccessful. A clear and fair rejection can help applicants retain a good image of the company in the future and potentially be considered for positions again.