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Employees who are supposed to be working are absent without excuse and this is called absenteeism. There can be various reasons such as illness, personal matters or other causes that lead to short or long-term absences. The financial burden on companies, the impairment of productivity and the negative impact on the working atmosphere can occur due to absenteeism.

Reasons for absenteeism

There are many reasons for absenteeism. Illness is the most frequently cited reason, followed by personal problems, stress, work overload and low motivation or conflict. A lack of appreciation on the part of the employer can also lead to increased absenteeism in some cases. It is important to recognize the reasons for absenteeism so that appropriate measures can be taken to reduce it. Measures to reduce absenteeism It is important to create a supportive work environment that promotes the health and well-being of employees in order to reduce absenteeism in an organization. Health promotion programs, flexible working hours, clear communication and conflict resolution strategies can achieve this. A corporate culture that encourages employees to speak up about their concerns can also help reduce absenteeism.

Legal aspects of absenteeism

There are legal provisions in the EU and Switzerland that regulate how absenteeism is dealt with. It is common for employers to accept their employees' inability to work and, if necessary, to continue to pay wages. It is important that employers implement adequate control mechanisms to prevent the abuse of sick days. In some situations, unexcused absence can lead to disciplinary consequences despite repeated warnings.