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Work overload

A situation in which an employee has more work than they can handle is known in the workplace as work overload. This can cause stress, burnout, lower productivity and negative effects on mental and physical health. Employers need to take steps to recognize, prevent and manage work overload to ensure the well-being and performance of their employees.

Causes of work overload

There are various causes of work overload, such as insufficient resources, unrealistic work goals, inefficient work processes, lack of support from management and unclear communication. In today's world of work, it is important to identify and address the causes of high workload and time pressure in order to avoid overload in the workplace. It emphasizes the importance of avoiding work overload in order to protect the health and well-being of employees. The labor law in Switzerland sets requirements for working conditions in order to protect the health of employees.

Effects of work overload

Employees and the company can experience serious effects from work overload. Possible consequences include increased stress, exhaustion, reduced job satisfaction, increased absenteeism, high employee turnover and lower productivity. Long-term work overload can lead to employees suffering from burnout, which has a negative impact on their performance and commitment. Companies need to take steps to reduce work overload and promote a healthy work environment. This can be achieved by promoting a balanced workload, helping employees prioritize tasks, encouraging open communication and providing resources to manage stress.

Preventing work overload

Companies can take various measures to prevent work overload. This includes regularly reviewing employees' workloads, providing sufficient resources, promoting a positive work culture, training managers in dealing with work overload and setting clear work processes and objectives. Companies are recommended by EU-OSHA to carry out a comprehensive risk assessment to identify potential work overload risks and take appropriate preventive measures. The Swiss Labor Code stipulates that employers have an obligation to protect the health of their employees and ensure appropriate working conditions.

Dealing with work overload

It is important that employees receive support if they are affected by work overload. Employers can take steps to reduce workload, set realistic targets for work, provide flexible working options and help employees manage stress. It is vital that employees and managers communicate openly and work in partnership to manage work overload effectively. Employees should recognize when they are overworked and ask for help in a timely manner. By actively taking steps to manage stress and talking to their managers about their workload, they can help to reduce work overload and avoid long-term consequences.