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Readiness for work

Readiness for work refers to an employee being ready for action during their working hours. This includes responding flexibly to work requests and completing work when required. Willingness to work also includes the willingness to work productively and complete assigned tasks efficiently. Work readiness is valued by employers as it reflects the reliability and flexibility of employees.

Willingness to work in employment law

It is important that employees are ready to work and remain available during their working hours. Employees must be ready to work in accordance with the provisions of employment law in order to fulfill their contractual obligations. They must be able to perform their work when requested to do so. Similar regulations regarding readiness for work apply in the EU and Switzerland. During their working hours, employees must be available for the tasks assigned to them and may not refuse to perform their work unless this is expressly provided for in the employment contract or by law.

Work availability and flexibility

Often, willingness to work is closely linked to flexibility in the workplace. In general, employees who can adapt to the demands of the working day and flex their working conditions are valuable team members. Willingness to work overtime, change departments and take on additional responsibilities can be part of flexibility. Companies that encourage employee willingness to work can benefit from increased productivity, a more pleasant work environment and higher employee satisfaction. Employers can strengthen their employees' commitment to their work by communicating clearly and recognizing their dedication and flexibility.

Work engagement and work-life balance

It is important that work readiness does not lead to an excessive workload, thereby jeopardizing the work-life balance of employees. A good work-life balance is vital for the well-being and productivity of employees. It is important that employers ensure that high demands on work readiness are offset by measures to promote work-life balance. It is possible to achieve this through flexible working models, work from home options and the promotion of recovery periods. By respecting and supporting the needs of their employees, employers can create a positive long-term working environment that leads to increased job satisfaction and performance.

Work readiness and teamwork

The willingness of each individual member to work is crucial to the collective success of a team. Teams can work together efficiently and successfully overcome challenges by being willing to support each other, take on tasks and act flexibly. Key factors for a high willingness to work in a team are open communication and a positive attitude towards collaboration. When team members appreciate and support their colleagues' willingness to work, they can build a motivating work environment that strengthens team spirit and promotes the achievement of common goals. Through team-building activities and recognition of team achievements, employers can further increase team morale and improve collaboration in the long term.