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Occupational accident

An accident at work occurs during working hours if there is a sudden incident that leads to an injury or illness of the employee. This can include physical and psychological damage. From office jobs to construction work, workplace accidents can occur in a variety of occupations and industries. To ensure the health and safety of workers, they are regulated by law in many countries.

Definition of occupational accident

Taking place during work and resulting in an injury or illness to the employee, a workplace accident is defined as a sudden event. It can be caused by a lack of safety precautions, human error or inadequate training. Accidents at work can lead to anything from minor cuts to serious consequences such as permanent disability or even death. EU Directive 89/391/EEC regulates accidents at work in the European Union and lays down minimum requirements for the safety and health of workers. Accidents at work in Switzerland are defined in accordance with the Federal Law on Accident Insurance (UVG) and are subject to compulsory accident insurance.

Obligation to report accidents at work

Most countries, including the EU and Switzerland, require the reporting of accidents at work. It is necessary for employers to report accidents at work to the relevant authorities so that investigations can be carried out and the causes clarified. It is important to make these reports in order to take measures to prevent similar incidents and improve safety in the workplace. Serious accidents at work must be reported in the EU in accordance with Directive 2003/110/EC on the reporting of accidents in particularly dangerous workplaces or activities. In Switzerland, accidents at work must be reported to the accident insurance company within three days in accordance with the UVG. Rights and obligations in the event of an accident at work After an accident at work, employees have certain rights, such as medical care, compensation payments and protection against dismissal due to the accident. Employers must determine the cause of the accident, take safety measures and inform the accident insurance company. Employees in the EU have the right to compensation and rehabilitation measures in accordance with national laws. After an accident at work in Switzerland, employees are covered by compulsory accident insurance, which provides medical benefits, daily allowances and pensions.

Prevention of accidents at work

It is crucial to ensure the safety and health of employees by preventing accidents at work. To prevent workplace accidents, employers should conduct risk assessments, implement safety measures, provide training and enforce safety policies. Employees are expected to actively contribute to workplace safety by reporting risks and complying with safety regulations. The prevention of accidents at work is promoted in the EU through campaigns, training and research projects by the Agency for Safety and Health at Work (EU-OSHA). The State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) in Switzerland supports the implementation of safety measures in the workplace and raises awareness for the prevention of accidents at work.