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Employment contract

An employment contract is a legally binding agreement between an employer and an employee. This document sets out the terms and conditions of employment, including working hours, salary, vacation entitlement, notice periods and other work-related provisions. The employment contract provides protection for both parties by clearly defining rights and obligations and avoiding potential misunderstandings or conflicts.

Employment contract in the EU

There are legal regulations in the European Union that set out the minimum requirements for employment contracts. The rules vary from country to country, but they usually include details of working hours, vacation entitlement, pay, notice periods and protection against discrimination. To protect employees' rights, employment contracts must be drawn up in accordance with national laws and EU directives.

Employment contract in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the employment contract is legally required and must be concluded in writing. The contract must contain details of the place of work, working hours, salary, vacation days, notice period and other work-related provisions. If the Swiss Code of Obligations (OR) applies, employment contracts in Switzerland must meet the minimum standards in accordance with the provisions of the OR.

Components of an employment contract

As a rule, an employment contract contains the personal details of the employer and employee, such as name, address and social security number. It also sets out the working conditions, such as working hours, salary, vacation days and notice periods, as well as additional benefits such as health insurance or a company car. To avoid misunderstandings, all agreements in the employment contract must be formulated clearly and comprehensibly.

Changes to the employment contract

The employment contract may only be amended with the mutual consent of the employer and employee. It is important that these changes are documented in writing and signed by both parties. It is important to record changes such as a salary increase, an adjustment to working hours or the introduction of new working conditions in the employment contract in a legally correct manner in order to avoid potential conflicts in the future.