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Working time account

A working time account helps companies and employees to organize their working hours flexibly. Employees can use a working time account to save up or reduce working hours over a set period of time. This enables employers to react to fluctuating work requirements without violating legal regulations. Many European countries, including Germany and Switzerland, make widespread use of working time accounts. They offer employers and employees advantages in terms of flexibility and work-life balance.

How does a working time account work?

Employees can usually accumulate overtime through additional work by using working time accounts. If the employee prefers, this overtime can be compensated either as time off or paid vacation. Working time accounts must be managed transparently and comprehensibly in order to avoid misunderstandings. The regulations for working time accounts can differ depending on the country and company. It is important that both employers and employees fully understand the applicable regulations and agreements in order to avoid potential conflicts.

Benefits for employers

Working time accounts offer employers the opportunity to react flexibly to seasonal fluctuations or order peaks without having to hire additional staff. Control of operating costs and increased productivity can be improved through the use of working time accounts. Furthermore, it is possible to increase employee satisfaction with the help of more flexible working time models. Employers can also improve the work-life balance of their employees and reduce overtime through the effective use of working time accounts.

Benefits for employees

With working time accounts, employees can better adapt their working hours to their individual needs. It is possible to accumulate overtime in order to use longer periods of time off or to have the hours paid out as additional income. This enables more precise planning of vacations or personal commitments. Working time accounts make it easier for employees to cope with unexpected events such as medical appointments or family matters without having to forgo their regular income.