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Working time models

The various options for organizing working hours in a company are represented by the working time models. These include regulations on the organization of working hours, regulations on breaks and overtime. The aim of working time models is to create flexible working hours that meet the needs of employees and operational requirements. Both legally prescribed working time models and individually agreed working time models can be agreed between employer and employee.

Flexible working time models

In today's working world, flexible working time models are becoming increasingly important. Employees can organize their working hours flexibly in order to better meet their personal needs and circumstances. Flexible working time models include flexitime, trust-based working hours and part-time work. There are legal regulations in the EU and Switzerland that promote flexible working hours and guarantee employees certain rights such as breaks and rest periods.

Rigid working time models

Fixed working time models regulate working hours more strictly than flexible working time models. Traditional full-time work with fixed working hours or shift work are examples of this. These models often offer less scope for individual needs, but can be efficient in industries with clearly defined workflows and production processes. Employers and employees should carefully weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of such models and, if necessary, find individual solutions that meet both the operational requirements and the needs of the employees.

Working time law and regulations

The EU and Switzerland have legal regulations for working time models that stipulate maximum working hours, break regulations, overtime and rest periods. The Working Time Directive 2003/88/EC, which is implemented in the EU, sets minimum requirements for working time regulations in the member states. In Switzerland, the Labor Act (ArG) regulates working hours and stipulates that the maximum weekly working time is 45 hours. Employers must comply with the legal regulations and adapt working time models accordingly in order to protect the health and well-being of employees.