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Exit interview questionnaire

Employees who leave the company are asked to take part in an exit interview questionnaire. This questionnaire collects information that shows why employees are leaving the company and what potential there is for improvement. The exit interview questionnaire can contain various questions on different aspects of the working environment, corporate culture and working relationships.

Components of an exit interview questionnaire

The typical exit interview questionnaire may include questions on a variety of topics, including working conditions, leadership skills, development opportunities, compensation and benefits. It is possible to ask these questions either in open form (free text) or in closed form (yes/no, rating scale). Companies get a comprehensive picture of what motivated or frustrated employees by combining qualitative and quantitative answers. The role of exit interviews in the EU and Switzerland is important. It is generally recommended to conduct exit interviews and use questionnaires in the European Union (EU) and Switzerland to promote dialog between employers and employees and to continuously improve working conditions. By systematically evaluating exit interview questionnaires, companies can also fulfill legal requirements for employee surveys and, if necessary, take timely measures to improve the working environment.

Design tips for an effective exit interview questionnaire

In order for an exit interview questionnaire to provide meaningful results, it is important that companies formulate clear and relevant questions that are tailored to their specific challenges and needs. For honest feedback to be possible, the questionnaire must be anonymous. Companies should also carefully analyze the results to identify trends and derive concrete measures that will lead to sustainable improvements in employee retention and satisfaction.