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Autocratic management style

The autocratic management style involves the manager having sole decision-making authority and acting in an authoritarian manner. In this management style, instructions are passed on from the top down without involving employees in the decision-making process. A clear hierarchy, strict chains of command and a low level of employee participation are characteristic of the autocratic management style. The manager makes decisions without consulting employees or taking their opinions into account.

Features of the autocratic leadership style

The autocratic management style is characterized by authoritarian decision-making, clear instructions from the top down, low employee autonomy and strong control on the part of the manager. The manager communicates primarily in one direction, namely to the employees. Feedback is rarely obtained and decisions are made centrally. Employees must adhere strictly to the manager's instructions and have little scope for initiative.

Advantages and disadvantages of an authoritarian management style

In certain situations, the autocratic management style can be effective if quick decisions or clear instructions and control are required. In times of crisis, authoritarian leadership behaviour can contribute to stabilization. However, this leadership style can lead to low employee motivation, limited creativity and a limited relationship of trust between manager and employee. Long-term authoritarian leadership can lead to a poor working atmosphere and high employee turnover in the company.

Alternatives to the autocratic management style

There are various alternative management approaches that are based on participation, employee engagement and cooperative decision-making. These include the democratic leadership style, the participative leadership style and the transformational leadership style. These styles emphasize that employees should be involved in decision-making processes, that open communication is important and that personal responsibility is encouraged. Employees are encouraged to put forward ideas, give feedback and actively participate in the company.