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Authoritarian management style

A leadership style that is authoritarian involves a philosophy of leadership in which the supervisor has sole decision-making power and gives clear instructions without leaving much room for discussion or input from employees. A clear hierarchy and command structure characterize this leadership style, in which orders are given from the top down. Authoritarian managers expect their employees to follow instructions without question. Employees have little to no involvement in decision-making processes, which leads to comprehensive control and monitoring by the line manager.

Features of an authoritarian management style

A clear command structure and the implementation of decisions from the top down are typical characteristics of an authoritarian management style. As a rule, communication is one-sided and the superior's instructions must be followed without discussion. The expectation of authoritarian managers is that their employees strictly follow their instructions and place great value on discipline, obedience and efficiency. Feedback is rarely sought and praise or criticism is usually given unidirectionally from the top down.

The advantages and disadvantages of an authoritarian leadership style

It can be effective in certain situations, such as in crisis situations when quick decisions need to be made. A clear command structure can speed up the implementation of measures and increase efficiency. However, an authoritarian management style can also lead to employees being less satisfied, a lack of creativity and limited problem-solving behavior. Employees may feel oppressed and are therefore less motivated to contribute innovative ideas.

Alternatives to the authoritarian management style

There are several alternative management styles that are based on participative approaches and allow employees to be more involved in decision-making. One example of this is the democratic leadership style, which focuses on consensus and teamwork, as well as the transformational leadership style, which aims to motivate and inspire employees. In today's working world, it is increasingly important to promote a collaborative leadership culture based on trust, respect and open communication in order to increase employee performance and satisfaction.