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Company health management

Occupational health management comprises the structured planning, organization and implementation of measures in companies with the aim of improving the health and well-being of employees. This includes measures for prevention, promotion of health in the workplace, mental health, ergonomic workplace design, company sports programs, addiction prevention and stress management measures. The aim of occupational health management is to create working conditions that promote and maintain the physical and mental health of employees in the long term.

Why is occupational health management important?

A healthy working environment is important because it forms the basis for the long-term success of a company. Companies can increase job satisfaction and motivation, improve employee performance and productivity, reduce absenteeism and positively influence the working atmosphere by implementing health measures. Healthy employees also help to reduce sickness costs in the long term. In many European countries, including Switzerland, occupational health management is increasingly seen as an important part of corporate management.

Elements of occupational health management

Occupational health management includes different components that work together to support the health of employees. This includes analyzing and assessing risks in the workplace, developing and implementing measures to promote health, supporting healthy lifestyles, involving employees in decision-making processes and creating awareness of health issues and It is crucial for the success of occupational health management to take a holistic approach that considers both physical and mental aspects.

Legal framework and standards

In the European Union and Switzerland, companies must follow legal requirements and recommendations in order to take measures to promote health in the workplace. These include the EU Framework Agreement on Workplace Stress and the Swiss Federal Act on Work in Industry, Trade and Commerce. There are also sectoral standards and certifications that support companies in implementing and continuously improving effective occupational health management.