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Conduct a job interview

A job interview is a meeting between a potential employer and an applicant. During the interview, both parties can get to know each other, clarify open questions and decide whether it is possible to work together. The suitability of the applicant for the advertised position is assessed during the interview, which is an important stage in the application process.

Preparation for the interview

Thorough preparation is crucial for a successful interview. It includes researching the company, re-reading the job advertisement and preparing for potential questions. Applicants should also think about what experience and skills they want to emphasize in the interview. It is also wise to read up on common interview questions and techniques so that you can appear confident.

The interview process

There are various forms of job interviews, such as individual interviews, group interviews or assessment centers. The interview usually begins with a round of introductions, followed by questions about the applicant's motivation, qualifications and experience. The employer will also give you the opportunity to ask questions. It is important to be authentic during the interview, to communicate clearly and understandably and to appear confident. You want to get tips for a successful interview. It is a good idea to be on time, wear appropriate clothing and be polite in order to have a successful interview. The applicant should listen attentively during the interview, give clear answers and emphasize their strengths. It is important to be honest and not to exaggerate any skills or experience. After the interview, it is advisable to thank the candidate for the opportunity and possibly ask about the further course of the application process.