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Application process

The application process refers to the process that applicants go through to apply for a job at a company. As a rule, this process includes the preparation and submission of application documents such as a CV and cover letter, as well as going through interviews and possibly also tests or assessment centers. The aim of the application process is to find the most suitable candidate for the vacancy.

Find job advertisements

Applicants must first find relevant job advertisements before starting the application process. They can be posted on company websites, job boards, in newspapers or at career fairs. It is important that applicants thoroughly read the requirements and duties in the job posting to ensure that they are appropriate for the position and have the required qualifications.

Prepare application documents

Once applicants have found a suitable job advertisement, they need to prepare their application documents. This usually consists of a CV, cover letter and relevant references or certificates. It is important to tailor the application documents carefully and specifically to the position in order to appeal to recruiters and emphasize your qualifications.

Submit your application

As soon as the application documents have been completed, applicants can submit their applications. Depending on the company and job advertisement, this can be done in various ways, for example by email, via an online application form or by post. To ensure smooth processing, it is important to observe any deadlines and make sure that the application is complete.

Interviews and selection process

Suitable candidates will be invited for interviews after the applications have been screened. These interviews serve to improve and clarify open questions and to check suitability for the position in order to get to know the candidates better. Occasionally, tests, group discussions or assessment centers may also be used to make the final decision. Normally, at the end of the application process, the best candidate is selected for the position and receives a contract offer.