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Bridging part-time work

The concept of bridging part-time work enables employees to work part-time for a limited period of time, for example to complete further training or fulfill family obligations. After completing this phase, employees return to full-time employment. This model is intended to create a link between full-time employment and longer breaks from work. 

Why bridging part-time work? 

The aim of bridge part-time is to provide flexible working models that allow employees to temporarily reduce their working hours without jeopardizing their career. Employees can improve their work-life balance and still progress in their career in the long term by working part-time. This model can help to improve the balance between work and private life.

Regulations in the EU

In the European Union, flexible working models such as bridging part-time work must be offered in accordance with the directives that oblige the member states. The aim of these measures is to improve employees' working conditions and promote equal opportunities in the labor market. Companies in the EU should therefore include corresponding provisions on bridge part-time work in their employment contracts and offer this option to their employees.

Implementation in Switzerland

In Switzerland, bridge part-time work is referred to as "Teilzeitbrücke" and is legally established. Employees can temporarily reduce their working hours, for example to undertake further training or look after their family. Many companies in Switzerland support this model because it helps to retain motivated employees and increase their job satisfaction. Employees and employers benefit from various advantages. Bridging part-time work has advantages for both employees and employers. Employees can benefit from having more flexibility to balance their personal and professional goals. Through flexible working models such as bridging part-time work, employers can also benefit from motivated and loyal employees. Employee loyalty can be strengthened and the company's attractiveness as an employer increases as a result.