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Burnout prevention

Burnout prevention measures aim to reduce the risk of burnout among employees. Burnout is a health problem caused by prolonged stress in the workplace and can lead to emotional exhaustion, cynicism and reduced job performance. It is serious. Employers can promote the health and well-being of their employees and increase productivity by taking preventative measures.

Causes of burnout

Various factors can cause burnout, including excessive work pressure, unclear expectations, lack of support from superiors, conflict in the workplace and an imbalance between work and private life. In today's fast-paced work environment, employees are exposed to more and more stress-inducing factors, which increases the risk of burnout. Identifying these causes and implementing preventative measures is important to protect employee wellbeing.

Measures to prevent burnout

Employers can take various measures to prevent burnout among their employees. These include promoting a healthy work-life balance, creating a positive work environment, recognizing performance, encouraging communication and teamwork, providing resources for coping with stress and training managers on how to deal with burnout If employers integrate preventative measures into everyday working life, they can help to reduce the risk of burnout. The legal framework in the EU and Switzerland There are directives on occupational health and safety in the European Union that aim to protect the health and safety of employees. It is the duty of employers to take measures to prevent occupational health risks such as burnout. Similar provisions are firmly anchored in the Swiss Labor Code, which requires employers to promote and protect the health of their employees in the workplace. Employers can ensure that they fulfill their responsibilities with regard to burnout prevention by complying with this legal framework.

The role of the individual

The individual employee also plays an important role in preventing burnout, in addition to the measures that employers can take. Employees need to be mindful of their own needs, take time out, learn stress management strategies and seek support when needed. Employees can create a healthy work environment and remain motivated and productive in the long term by taking responsibility for their well-being and actively contributing to burnout prevention.