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Business trip

This is a trip that an employee undertakes on behalf of the employer. During a business trip, the person is traveling on business, for example to attend a meeting, visit customers or undergo further training. Depending on the company and industry, these trips may have destinations within the country or abroad.

Purpose of a business trip

As a rule, a business trip is of a business nature. This includes representing the company at external events, maintaining customer relations, negotiations and attending conferences or training courses. Through business trips, employees can open up new business opportunities, strengthen existing relationships and develop professionally.

Rules and guidelines

Many companies have clear guidelines and regulations for business trips. Such guidelines may include information on permitted destinations, booking flights and hotels, expense claims and insurance issues. To avoid misunderstandings or problems, employees should know and comply with their company's internal regulations regarding business trips. This is important. Special legal provisions exist for business trips in the EU and Switzerland to ensure that employees are adequately protected during their travels.

Costs and reimbursement

Employers often cover the costs of business trips, such as airline tickets, hotel accommodation, meals and local transportation. Sometimes employees may also be entitled to claim expenses such as cab fares or business meals. To ensure that the claim and reimbursement process runs smoothly, it is important to keep all receipts carefully. Expenses must normally be reasonable and traceable in accordance with company policy and legal requirements.

Occupational health and safety and working time

During a business trip, the same health and safety and working time regulations normally apply as in regular working life. Employers must ensure that the health and safety of their employees is also guaranteed outside the company premises. For example, this may involve observing rest periods, making appropriate break arrangements and observing working time regulations. Care should be taken to ensure that working hours during a business trip are clearly regulated and not excessive in order to maintain a healthy work-life balance.