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Calculate parental allowance

Calculating parental allowance is a process by which parents determine the amount of parental allowance they will receive during parental leave. Parents receive financial support from the state in the form of parental allowance if they are looking after their children and are therefore unable to work. Parental allowance is calculated on the basis of the parents' average monthly net income before the birth of the child. It normally corresponds to 65% to 67% of the average net salary and can be received for a maximum of 14 months.

How to calculate parental allowance?

Parents should collect all relevant proof of income and documents required for an accurate calculation of parental allowance. It is recommended that you obtain information about the different parental allowance options and variants at an early stage in order to make the best decision for your situation. Parents are free to contact parental allowance offices or advice centers if they are unsure or have questions about the calculation. These offices will support them in this process.

Important deadlines and requirements

You should note that certain deadlines and requirements apply when applying for parental allowance. Normally, the application must be submitted within a specified period after the birth of the child. In addition, the parents should be resident in Germany, look after the child and not be in gainful employment. It is therefore advisable to take all necessary steps in good time to apply for and receive parental allowance on time.