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Employee Lifecycle

The various phases that an employee goes through during their time at a company are described as the employee lifecycle. The cycle includes recruitment, induction, development, retention and possibly the employee's departure. To ensure that employees are successfully integrated, remain motivated and contribute to the long-term success of the organization, it is important to understand and effectively manage the employee lifecycle.

1. Recruitment

The recruitment phase marks the beginning of the employee lifecycle. Here, the company identifies the need for new employees, creates job advertisements, conducts interviews and selects suitable candidates. It is crucial to have an effective recruitment strategy to attract qualified and talented employees. The recruitment process in the EU and Switzerland must comply with certain legal requirements.

2. Induction

The induction phase is crucial to the success of new employees. During this phase, employees receive information about the company, the corporate culture, their tasks and responsibilities. A structured induction program helps new employees to settle in quickly and become productive. Many companies in the EU and Switzerland attach great importance to providing new employees with a comprehensive induction program to facilitate their integration.

3. Development

During the development phase, the focus is on continuously improving employees' skills and knowledge. Companies promote the professional development of employees through training, further education programs and development opportunities. The targeted development of employees helps to strengthen their motivation and increase their loyalty to the company. Many companies in the EU and Switzerland attach great importance to the continuous development of their employees in order to maintain their competitiveness.

4. Retention and departure

Retaining employees for the long term is the goal of the retention phase. Employee engagement, recognition, career development and work-life balance are important aspects of this game. Effective retention management helps to increase employee loyalty and satisfaction. The departure of employees is naturally part of the employee life cycle. It is important for companies to carry out professional offboarding in order to make the transition as smooth as possible for departing employees. There are legal requirements in the EU and Switzerland that companies must comply with when terminating or letting employees leave.