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Employee Wellbeing

How employees feel at work and how well they can function physically and mentally relates to employee wellbeing. The goal is to ensure the health, happiness and productivity of employees. Organizations that care about the well-being of their employees invest money in programs and measures that improve the health, satisfaction and performance of their staff.

Why is employee wellbeing important?

Employee wellbeing is crucial to the success of a company. Employees who are happy and healthy show more motivation, commitment and performance. Their absenteeism is less frequent and they have a higher level of job satisfaction. They are also loyal to their employer. In addition, a positive corporate culture that promotes employee well-being can also have a positive impact on a company's image and attractiveness as an employer, which in turn makes it easier to attract and retain employees.

Promoting employee wellbeing through measures

Organizations can take various measures to promote the well-being of their employees. These include flexible working hours, promoting work-life balance, health and wellness programs, psychological support, training opportunities, team-building activities and creating a positive work environment. Companies can benefit from a healthier, happier and more productive workforce in the long term if they prioritize the well-being of their employees and implement appropriate programs.

Legal framework for employee wellbeing

In the European Union, there are various directives and regulations aimed at ensuring the well-being of employees, such as the Working Time Directive and the Framework Directive on Health and Safety at Work. The Swiss Labor Act sets minimum standards for working conditions. To ensure the health and safety of employees, employers must comply with these requirements in accordance with the law. Therefore, companies must ensure that they comply with these regulations and actively contribute to promoting the well-being of their employees.