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Payroll accounting

It is an important process in human resources management in which payments to a company's employees are calculated and documented. It includes the calculation of salaries, wages, bonuses, deductions and other financial benefits that an employee receives. It is also necessary to pay taxes and social security contributions to the relevant authorities. To ensure employee satisfaction, meet legal requirements and ensure the financial integrity of a company, it is crucial to have an accurate and transparent payroll process.

Payroll accounting in Germany

Payroll in Germany is regulated by law and must comply with the requirements of the Income Tax Act, the Social Security Code and other relevant laws. Employees must be provided with a correct and comprehensible payslip by the employer. This statement must contain detailed information on salary composition, deductions and social security contributions.

Payroll accounting in the EU

There are different regulations on payroll accounting in the member states of the European Union. Companies operating abroad need to familiarize themselves with the different national payroll laws to ensure they are compliant in each country. As payroll regulations can vary from country to country, this can be a complex task.

Payroll in Switzerland

In Switzerland, the payroll is also an important part of personnel administration. It is necessary that the payroll complies with the requirements of the Federal Law on General Provisions of the Code of Obligations (CO). It is necessary for Swiss companies to ensure that their payrolls comply with the legal requirements and contain all the necessary information to ensure transparency and legal certainty.