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Development reviews

Development reviews are regular meetings between employees and their managers to discuss career development, goals and performance. These conversations drive personnel development in companies to help employees strengthen their skills and achieve professional goals as well as promote teamwork.

How do development reviews work?

Development meetings usually take place once a year, but they can also be held more frequently. Employees and managers prepare before the meeting by collecting performance targets, development goals and feedback from previous meetings. These points are discussed during the meeting, performance is evaluated and new goals are set. In order to avoid misunderstandings and define common goals, it is important that both sides communicate openly and honestly.

Objectives of development meetings

Development meetings have many different objectives. The aim is to improve employees' performance, promote their professional development, increase their satisfaction in the company and strengthen their loyalty to the company. Employees can receive feedback through regular meetings, recognize their strengths and weaknesses and work specifically on their further development. At the same time, line managers have the opportunity to get to know their employees better, understand their needs and support them in their development.

The best methods for successful development meetings

In order to conduct development meetings successfully, it is important that they are well prepared and structured. It would be good if employees and managers actively participate in the discussion, use constructive feedback and set realistic goals. It is important to address both positive performance and areas for improvement. It would be better to view development meetings as an opportunity for personal development and not just as a formal fulfillment of duties. It is recommended that the goals set are recorded in writing after the meeting and that progress is reviewed regularly.

Development interviews in the European Union and Switzerland

In the EU and Switzerland, development interviews are widely used as a tool for personnel development. It is recommended that companies provide their employees with regular feedback and development opportunities to increase their motivation and performance. Within the EU, development dialogues are also crucial to drive the implementation of diversity and inclusion strategies to promote diversity in companies and ensure equal opportunities. Many companies in Switzerland attach great importance to the personal and professional development of their employees. This is why they also consider development meetings to be an important building block for the success of the company.