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Public holidays 2024 in Germany

Public holidays are set on specific days on which statutory rest days or non-working days apply. There are a large number of public holidays in Germany, which can vary depending on the federal state. It is important to consider the historical, religious and social significance of public holidays as well as regional differences.

Public holidays

In 2024, public holidays in Germany fall as follows: The new year begins on January 1, Good Friday on April 19, Easter Monday on the 22nd and Labor Day on April 1. Ascension Day is on the 30th. May, Whit Monday on the 10th, June 3 is German Unity Day. October, Christmas on December 25 and 26. It should be noted that public holidays may vary in different federal states, such as Corpus Christi.

Special public holidays

There are also special public holidays that are not celebrated nationwide, but only in certain regions or due to certain religious beliefs, in addition to the public holidays. Reformation Day on the 31st is one of these. October 20 is the Day of Prayer and Repentance. All Saints' Day is on November 1. November is mainly celebrated in Catholic regions of Germany.

Holidays in the EU and Switzerland

There may be differences in public holidays in Germany compared to other countries in the European Union. There are some public holidays in the EU that apply across borders, for example Christmas or New Year. There are also some public holidays in Switzerland that coincide with those in Germany, such as Easter or Whitsun. However, there are also differences, for example the national holiday on August 1.

Impact on the world of work

Public holidays are usually work-free, which has an impact on the world of work. This usually means that employees have a day off that they can use for recreation, leisure activities or family time. It is the responsibility of employers to ensure that the legal requirements regarding public holidays are adhered to and that substitute rest days for public holidays worked are granted where necessary. To ensure that the work schedule runs smoothly, it is important to take public holidays into account.