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High potentials

Employees who are seen as particularly promising for the future development of a company due to their skills, commitment and performance are high potentials. These employees are highly motivated, can motivate themselves and have the potential to take on management positions. The company recognizes high potentials in order to promote them in a targeted manner and retain them in the long term.

Identification of high potentials

As a rule, high potentials are identified through structured talent management programs, performance assessments and potential analyses. Companies define criteria that high potentials must fulfill, such as outstanding performance, leadership skills, willingness to learn and adaptability. Employees who have these characteristics and are classified as high potentials are identified through targeted observation and assessment. In the EU and Switzerland, companies are paying more and more attention to identifying and developing high potentials in order to remain competitive in the long term. Special programs and measures are used to promote promising employees and prepare them for future management tasks.

Promotion of high potentials

Measures such as individual development plans, mentoring programs, special training courses and projects with high levels of responsibility are part of the targeted promotion of high potentials. Companies invest in the development of their promising employees in order to strengthen their leadership skills and specialist expertise in a targeted manner. They receive continuous feedback and coaching to accompany and support them on their career path.

Retention of high potentials

In order to retain high potentials in the long term, it is crucial to offer attractive development opportunities, challenging tasks and an open communication culture. Companies in the EU and Switzerland value comprehensive talent management that takes the needs and goals of high potentials into account. Targeted measures to promote work-life balance and recognize their achievements motivate and retain these employees in the long term. Using the advantages of high potentials for companies. Employees with great potential bring new ideas, innovative strength and commitment to a company. They drive change, take on responsibility and make a significant contribution to the success of the company. Through the targeted promotion and retention of high potentials, a company secures a long-term competitive advantage and a strong management team for the future.