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Calculate notice period

The calculation of the notice period refers to the period of time between the issuing of a notice of termination and the actual departure of an employee from a company. Notice periods in Germany and Switzerland are set by law and must be respected by both employees and employers. There are various factors that influence the exact calculation of the notice period, such as length of service, the collective agreement or individual agreements in the employment contract.

How can the notice period be calculated?

The notice period can vary depending on the country, the industry and the employment contract. In Germany, notice periods are regulated by the German Civil Code (BGB). The notice periods in Switzerland are set out in the Code of Obligations. The notice period generally begins on the first day of the month following receipt of the notice of termination and lasts between one and six months, depending on the factors mentioned. It is recommended that you consult a lawyer or trade union if you are unsure about the calculation.

Influence on the employment relationship

Correctly calculating and observing the notice period is important in order to end the employment relationship smoothly. If the notice period is not observed, there may be legal consequences such as claims for damages or the continuation of the employment relationship. It is important to check the notice period thoroughly in order to avoid negative consequences. Extend or shorten the notice period. It is possible to extend or shorten the notice period in certain circumstances. For example, a longer notice period can be agreed if the employee has a higher position in the company. Collective agreements or works agreements can also influence the notice period. It is necessary to know the current regulations and, if necessary, to take measures in good time to adjust the notice period.