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Meeting culture

Meeting culture encompasses both the organization and the behaviour of participants during company meetings. Efficiency, transparency, open communication and mutual respect characterize a positive meeting culture. Your participation helps to ensure that meetings are productive and purposeful.

The importance of a positive meeting culture

 Meetings are important in everyday working life and are used to exchange information, make decisions and solve problems. A good meeting culture supports collaboration and employee engagement. Thorough preparation and clear structuring of meetings allows time to be used efficiently and avoids overload. Open and respectful communication helps to ensure that all participants are heard and feel valued. This enables the promotion of teamwork and innovation.

Elements of a positive meeting culture

Clear objectives and agendas communicated in advance are important elements of a positive meeting culture to ensure that all participants are well prepared. Equally important is the appropriate length and structure of the meeting and the involvement of all participants. A supportive atmosphere for creative thinking and innovative solutions is created when different opinions are respected in a culture of open discussion. It is also important to document the decisions and define clear responsibilities to ensure that they can be implemented.

How to create a successful meeting culture

In order to create a positive meeting culture, it would be advisable to only schedule meetings when they are essential and to choose participants wisely. It is crucial to prepare effectively, set clear objectives and create a structured agenda. During the meeting, it is the role of a facilitator to ensure that all participants have an opportunity to speak and that the discussion remains focused. After the meeting, it is necessary to record the results and define measures. The meeting culture can be continuously improved through regular feedback loops. The culture of meetings in the EU and Switzerland In the EU and Switzerland, the importance of a positive meeting culture is becoming more and more important as collaboration in international teams and virtual meetings increases. Companies that cultivate a good meeting culture achieve benefits through efficient meetings, improved collaboration and increased employee satisfaction. Companies can increase their productivity and achieve long-term success by implementing targeted training and measures to improve their meeting culture.