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Workplace bullying involves repeated negative behavior directed at individual employees with the intention of harassing, humiliating or ostracizing them. It can have a serious impact on the health and well-being of the individual concerned, verbally, physically or psychologically. Supervisors, coworkers or even customers may engage in bullying, often resulting in an unhealthy work environment and lower job performance. 

Signs of bullying in the workplace 

There are several signs that may indicate workplace bullying. These include constant criticism of an employee's work, isolating or excluding team members, spreading rumors or lies about someone, ignoring contributions or ideas, and outright insults or threats. Bullying is often more subtle, which makes it harder to detect. 

The consequences of workplace bullying 

Bullying in the workplace can have serious consequences. People who are affected often experience stress, anxiety, depression, sleep disorders and psychosomatic complaints. This can severely affect mental health and work performance. In some cases, bullying can even lead to long-term health problems and loss of employment. 

Measures to combat bullying in the workplace 

It is important that workplace bullying is taken seriously and appropriate action is taken. It is important that companies develop clear policies and procedures to prevent bullying and ensure that their employees are aware of their rights and options. It is important that managers are sensitized to recognize and respond appropriately to bullying. People should be encouraged to report incidents and a supportive environment should be created to help and protect victims of bullying.