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Human resources management

Human resources management deals with the administration and development of employees in a company through all activities and processes. This includes the planning, procurement, development, management and remuneration of personnel. Human resources management aims to identify the right employees for the right positions, motivate them, develop them further and retain them in the company in order to help achieve the company's goals.

Recruitment and selection

Recruitment is a crucial component of human resources. It is necessary for companies to identify suitable applicants for vacancies. This is possible through internal job advertisements, external job offers, recruitment agencies or headhunters. Once applications have been received, the best candidates are selected. The process includes interviews, tests and assessments to select the most suitable applicants.

Personnel development and management

Personnel development is another important aspect of human resource management. Companies invest in training, further education and development measures to improve the skills and competencies of their employees. In order to achieve this goal, employees should be motivated to work more efficiently and remain loyal to the company in the long term. Personnel development therefore contributes to increasing employee satisfaction and productivity. The management of employees is also part of human resources management in order to guide, motivate and support them.

Remuneration and benefits

It is important to consider employee compensation in human resource management. In order to motivate and retain employees, companies need to set appropriate and competitive salaries. In addition to the basic salary, remuneration also includes benefits such as bonus payments, company pension schemes, health insurance and other additional benefits. Human resources management also deals with the development of incentive systems to reward and motivate employees to perform well.

Labor law aspects

Labor law aspects are another important area of human resources management. It is important that companies comply with all legal provisions and regulations regarding employment contracts, working hours, dismissals, vacation regulations and occupational health and safety. This includes issues such as equal treatment, data protection and employee rights. In order to avoid legal consequences, companies must comply with specific legal regulations in human resources management in the EU and Switzerland.