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Trial period termination

Termination during the probationary period refers to the termination of an employment relationship. During the probationary period, the employer and employee can get to know each other and check whether the collaboration can be successful in the long term. In many countries, special regulations apply during this period that make it easier to terminate the employment relationship if it does not meet expectations.

What is the probationary period?

During the probationary period at the beginning of an employment relationship, both the employer and the employee can determine whether the long-term collaboration will be successful. Normally, the statutory probationary period in Germany lasts six months. Special notice periods and regulations apply during this time to terminate the employment relationship if it does not meet expectations. As a rule, the statutory probationary period in Switzerland is one month. During the probationary period, special rules also apply to termination. In order to avoid legal consequences, it is essential that employers and employees are aware of and comply with the applicable provisions.

Reasons for terminating a probationary period

During the probationary period, various reasons can lead to termination of the employment relationship. These include lack of suitability of the employee for the position, inadequate performance, poor integration into the team or operational reasons that make it unreasonable to continue the employment relationship. Employers and employees must clearly communicate and document the reasons for termination during the probationary period, which is important.

Rights and obligations in the event of termination during the probationary period

Employer and employee both have rights and obligations in the event of termination during the probationary period. The employer must give notice of termination in writing and observe the statutory notice period. During the probationary period, the employee is generally not entitled to a notice period. It is important that both the applicable statutory provisions are complied with in order to avoid legal consequences. In the event of dismissal during the probationary period, you should seek a discussion and try to resolve any conflicts amicably. An amicable separation can often be more advantageous for both parties than a protracted legal dispute.

It is important that employers and employees have the opportunity to review the cooperation in a new employment relationship and, if necessary, terminate it at an early stage if it does not meet expectations. This is why the probationary period notice is an important part of employment law. In order to avoid legal consequences, it is crucial to know and comply with the applicable legal provisions. Clear communication and fair cooperation can often lead to conflicts being avoided or at least resolved in the event of a probationary period termination.