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Qualified electronic signature

According to the European Union's eIDAS Regulation, the qualified electronic signature must meet certain requirements in order to be considered legally binding. A qualified trust service provider issues the certificate on which this signature is based. It ensures that the signatory is authentic, the signed document is intact and has been properly linked to make subsequent changes recognizable.

Legal framework

In the EU, the eIDAS Regulation regulates qualified electronic signatures in order to facilitate the recognition of electronic identification and trust services. The electronic signature in Switzerland is subject to regulation by the ZertES (Federal Act on Certification Services in the Field of Electronic Signatures). Both legal frameworks stipulate that a qualified electronic signature is equivalent to a handwritten signature and is legally valid. The advantages of the qualified electronic signature are listed here. The use of qualified electronic signatures has many advantages for companies and individuals. It enables contracts to be signed and transactions to be processed more quickly, saving time and costs as documents can be sent electronically immediately. In addition, it ensures increased security and authenticity compared to conventional electronic signatures.

Use in practice

Various sectors use the qualified electronic signature, including contracts, governmental procedures, financial transactions and healthcare. Companies use them to sign documents digitally without having to be physically present. Individuals can use them to sign legally binding agreements online, which increases flexibility and efficiency in everyday life.