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Quiet Firing

Quiet dismissal is the informal practice in which an employer pushes an employee out of the company without officially dismissing them. The employee is systematically confronted with a difficult working environment in order to get them to resign themselves. The aim is to avoid legal disputes and the receipt of severance pay or unemployment benefits.

Signs that indicate a quiet dismissal

Some signs may indicate a quiet dismissal. These include sudden and unexplained changes in workload, disregard for performance, excessive criticism of the employee's work, isolation from team activities or important meetings, and withholding important information. If an employee notices such signs, it is advisable to talk to their line manager or HR department to clear up any misunderstandings and clarify the situation.

The legal aspects of quiet dismissal

As a rule, dismissing someone quietly is legally problematic and can have legal consequences. In the EU and Switzerland, strict labor laws protect employees from unfair dismissal. It is important that employers understand that quiet dismissal is considered a violation of the law and can result in legal action by the employee. Companies should treat their employees transparently and fairly and address conflicts openly instead of using unfair practices.

How to deal with silent dismissal

If an employee believes they are the victim of a silent dismissal, they should take proactive action. Possible measures include documenting incidents, open communication with superiors, seeking legal advice and, if necessary, initiating conflict resolution measures. It is important to remain calm and objective while trying to resolve the situation. It is important that employees know their rights and seek professional help if necessary to protect themselves from unlawful practices.