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Shift models

Shift models organize the working hours of employees in a company in a structured way. They determine the working hours and the time frame in which employees work. Shift models are particularly common in industries such as healthcare, manufacturing, retail and hospitality, as work may be required around the clock. There are different shift models, including early, late and night shifts as well as rotating shifts, continuous night shifts or weekend shifts. The aim of shift models is to enable efficient organization of working hours while taking into account employees' needs for flexibility and free time.

Popular shift models

For example, the 3-shift model is a well-known shift model in which working hours are divided into early, late and night shifts. Another common model is the 12-hour shift, in which employees work fewer days but have longer shifts. Flexitime or trust-based working hours, flexible shift models, are also becoming increasingly popular and allow employees more freedom in organizing their working hours. Working time regulations in the European Union and Switzerland are laid down by law in order to protect the health and safety of employees. The legal requirements on working hours, rest breaks and rest periods must therefore also be complied with by shift models.

The advantages and disadvantages of shift models.

Companies and employees have various advantages and disadvantages when using shift models. The advantages include improved utilization of operating resources, continuous production or service, flexible staff scheduling and the ability to respond to customer needs around the clock. On the other hand, shift models can lead to sleep disturbances, social isolation, health risks and a difficult work-life balance. To ensure that employee satisfaction and performance are guaranteed, it is important to plan shift models carefully and respond to their individual needs.

How to optimize shift models

When creating shift models, it is important that employers comply with working time legislation, plan sufficient rest breaks, carry out regular working time checks and pay attention to the health and safety of their employees. It is advisable to involve employees when creating shift schedules to take into account their individual needs and preferences. Modern technologies such as workforce management systems can also help to plan shift models efficiently, record working hours and improve communication between employees and supervisors. A regular exchange of experiences and challenges with shift models can help to continuously improve them and increase job satisfaction.