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Key qualifications

Skills that go beyond subject-specific knowledge and are useful in various situations and professional fields are referred to as key qualifications. They include personal, social and methodological skills that are crucial for success in the workplace and personal development. Key qualifications include communication skills, the ability to work in a team, problem-solving skills, flexibility, creativity and organizational skills.

The importance of key skills in the workplace

Key skills are very important in today's world of work. Employers are looking for employees who have specialist knowledge, but who can also communicate effectively, work in a team and solve problems independently. Success in the modern workplace depends crucially on key skills that require flexibility and adaptability. Your efforts will help employees to carry out their tasks efficiently, resolve conflicts constructively and develop continuously.

Types of key skills

Different types of key skills are needed in different situations. Examples of key social skills are empathy, the ability to deal with conflict and intercultural competence. Qualities such as self-motivation, assertiveness and self-reflection fall under the category of personal key qualifications. Key qualifications refer to skills such as time management, problem solving and creativity. In order to be successful in various professional situations, it is crucial to have a balanced set of key qualifications.

Promotion of key skills

It is possible to promote the development of key skills through targeted measures. Companies often provide training and workshops to improve employees' skills in areas such as communication, conflict resolution and time management. Employees can also develop their key skills through project work, team projects and mentoring programs. In the education system, both at school and at universities, there is an increasing emphasis on teaching key skills to prepare students for the demands of the job market.

What is the importance of key skills in the EU and Switzerland?

Key skills play an important role in the European Union (EU) in terms of the employability and social integration of citizens. Among other things, the EU has defined key competences that include learning to learn, social skills, entrepreneurial skills and cultural awareness. Companies and educational institutions in Switzerland also attach great importance to key qualifications because they are considered a decisive success factor. Therefore, both regions are actively working to promote key skills in order to strengthen people's employability and personal development.