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Payments made to employees or managers of a company are bonuses and depend on success. Usually, these payments are based on the success of the company or the individual employee. Bonuses are often seen as an extra reward for good performance or as motivation for future performance. They can be paid at different levels within a company, from senior executives to sales staff.

What are the benefits of bonuses for employees?

Bonuses can be an attractive way for employees to be rewarded in addition to their base salary. Employees can benefit directly from their own performance and the success of the company through performance-related payments. This can serve as a motivation to work harder and achieve better results. In addition, bonuses can help to create a sense of belonging to the company, as employees are directly involved in its success.

How are bonuses calculated?

Bonus calculations can vary depending on the company and industry. Generally, bonuses are set as a percentage of sales, profits or other performance metrics. For example, sales employees may calculate bonuses based on sales achieved. Management bonuses can be linked to the overall success of the company. In order to make the calculation of bonuses transparent and fair, it is important to set clear and measurable targets.

Legal aspects of bonuses

There are legal provisions in the EU and Switzerland that regulate the payment of bonuses. Companies must ensure that the payment of bonuses complies with legal requirements and is communicated transparently. It is also important to clearly set out the conditions for the payment of bonuses in employment contracts or agreements with employees. Cross-national regulations and tax aspects of international companies may also need to be taken into account.

What is the importance of bonuses for performance incentives?

Bonuses can be an effective means of incentivizing performance in a company. When employees are directly involved in the success of the company, they can be motivated to work hard and contribute to achieving the company's goals. Being rewarded for good performance increases the possibility of strengthening employee loyalty and improving morale. Companies should create clear and fair incentive systems for bonuses in order to achieve the desired performance results.