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Collective agreement

A collective agreement is concluded between employers and trade unions to regulate working conditions in a specific area or industry. These agreements apply as minimum standards for all employees who fall under the scope of the collective agreement. Working conditions such as wages, working hours, vacation entitlements and notice periods are regulated by collective agreements. Please indicate how a collective agreement is concluded. Trade unions and employers' associations usually enter into negotiations on collective agreements. Both sides put forward their demands and interests and try to reach an agreement. Once an agreement is reached, the collective agreement is recorded in writing and signed by both parties. As a rule, collective agreements are concluded at industry or company level and are valid for a fixed period of time.

Why are collective agreements important?

Collective agreements play an important role in regulating working conditions and safeguarding employees' rights. They ensure that there is fairness in the workplace and that employees are protected from exploitation. Collective agreements set minimum standards that can go beyond the statutory minimum. Collective agreements create clear rules for both sides and contribute to the stability of labor relations.

What are the differences between collective agreements in the EU and Switzerland?

Collective agreements play a key role in the European Union (EU) in harmonizing working conditions and ensuring social standards in the member states. The EU sets minimum standards that must be followed by the member states, and collective agreements can supplement these standards. Collective agreements in Switzerland are usually agreed at industry level and are only binding for companies that are members of the relevant employers' association. In Switzerland, collective bargaining autonomy is highly regarded and negotiations on collective agreements are largely conducted between the social partners without state interference.