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Vacation entitlement upon termination

When the employment relationship ends, the employee is entitled to vacation that has not yet been taken. This sentence can be rewritten as: When an employment relationship is terminated, the vacation entitlement relates to the period of an employee's entitlement to vacation not yet taken. It is important to note that leave entitlement is regulated by law and employees are entitled to paid leave even in the event of dismissal.

Vacation entitlement in the event of dismissal

In the event of dismissal by the employer or the employee, the employee is normally entitled to be paid for the vacation days not yet taken. The vacation entitlement is fulfilled either by granting vacation days or by financial compensation. The calculation is based on the days worked to date in the current calendar year. In Germany, the Federal Leave Act (Bundesurlaubsgesetz - BUrlG) regulates the entitlement to paid leave and its compensation upon termination of employment. In the event of termination, the amount of vacation entitlement depends on various factors, such as the number of vacation days already taken in the current year and the exact date of termination. If you have any questions about vacation entitlement in the event of termination, it is advisable to contact either your employer or a legal advice center to clarify your individual entitlements.

EU regulations on vacation entitlement in the event of dismissal

The vacation entitlements of employees in the European Union are regulated by Directive 2003/88/EC. Employees are granted the right to compensation for leave not yet taken, even in the event of dismissal. Minimum standards are set for the minimum annual leave entitlement. However, the specific implementation of this directive may vary from one EU member state to another. Employees in Switzerland are also entitled to paid leave and a statutory regulation on the compensation of leave entitlement in the event of dismissal. In the event of dismissal, the precise provisions set out in the Swiss Labor Act (ArG) should be observed.

Forfeiture of vacation entitlements

It should be noted that vacation entitlements cannot normally be carried over indefinitely. Employees must take their vacation in accordance with the statutory provisions within a specified period so that they do not lose any entitlement to it. If it is not possible to take the leave for work-related or other reasons, this should be discussed with the employer in good time to agree any compensation. Advice on vacation entitlement in the event of termination. If you have any questions about vacation entitlement on termination, you should contact the relevant HR department or a legal advice center. They can provide information on the current legal requirements and help with the calculation of vacation entitlement and its compensation in the event of dismissal. It is crucial that employees know their own rights and take action in good time if necessary to avoid losing any entitlements.