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Four-ear model

Schulz von Thun developed the four-ear model, which is a communication model. It describes how communication between people takes place and how misunderstandings can arise. According to this model, every message has four sides or "ears" that can be heard: The factual information, the self-revelation, the relationship message and the appeal level are important in communication.

The four aspects of the four-ear model

Factual information is the first side of the four-ear model. This is about the pure content of the message, i.e. facts, data or circumstances. The self-revelation, which reveals how the speaker sees himself, is on the second side. The third side contains the relationship message and provides information about the relationship between the sender and the recipient. On the appeal level, the sender expresses what he expects from the receiver. By making people aware that every message has four sides, misunderstandings in communication can be better avoided. The model is often used in consulting, coaching and interpersonal communication in order to analyze and understand the different levels of a message.

The four-ears model can help companies to improve internal communication. When employees are aware that messages have multiple levels, they can communicate more clearly and effectively. Managers can use the model to formulate their messages in a way that is easier for team members to understand. The four-ears model can also help resolve workplace conflicts by helping to recognize the different aspects of a message and clear up misunderstandings. By learning to listen attentively and considering the different levels of communication, everyone involved can contribute to improving cooperation within the company.

Four-ear model and intercultural communication

It also helps in an intercultural context, as it sensitizes people to the different communication styles and levels of different cultures. It is important to understand the diversity of communication in a global working environment such as the EU and Switzerland and to avoid misunderstandings due to cultural differences. By applying the four-ears model, we can better understand how messages are interpreted by people with different cultural backgrounds and thus avoid misunderstandings. It helps to strengthen intercultural cooperation and promote the success of international teams. I offer training courses on the four-ears model. It is possible to offer training courses to promote the understanding and application of the Four Ears Model in companies. These can help managers and employees to recognize the different levels of communication and to communicate more effectively with each other. There are many providers in the EU and Switzerland that offer communication training and cover the four-ears model. By investing in training for their employees, companies can strengthen their team's communication skills and improve collaboration.