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Value-oriented corporate management

Value-based management is a management approach in which companies aim to create long-term value for their shareholders. In this approach, decisions and measures are aimed at increasing the value of the company. The aim is to use resources efficiently, minimize risks and achieve the company's long-term goals.

Why is value-based management important?

Companies benefit from a value-based approach to ensure long-term stability and competitiveness. By focusing on maximizing shareholder value, long-term investors can be attracted and market confidence strengthened. By implementing a clear value policy, companies can also manage risks more effectively and develop long-term strategies that promote sustainable growth.

Implementation of value-based management

The implementation of value-based management requires a comprehensive management concept. It involves setting clear corporate goals, regularly assessing the company's performance against these goals and introducing incentive systems to reward value creation for shareholders. It is also important to communicate the value guidelines to all levels of the company in order to promote a common understanding and commitment.

An example of value-based management in the EU and Switzerland

The European Union promotes value-based management through directives such as the Corporate Governance Directive, which establishes standards for transparent corporate governance. In Switzerland, organizations such as economiesuisse emphasize the importance of value-based management and advocate a value-based economic policy. Companies in both regions use tools such as Economic Value Added (EVA) to measure value creation and rely on sustainable business practices to create long-term value.