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Workforce management

Workforce management includes all measures that are necessary for the efficient planning, control and management of a company's employees. This includes the planning of personnel requirements, deployment planning, time and attendance management, personnel development and the recording and evaluation of working hours.

Staff requirements planning

Personnel requirements planning is of crucial importance in workforce management. Future employee requirements are determined by analyzing previous data, forecast order volumes and other relevant factors. This enables companies to take measures in good time to avoid bottlenecks or overstaffing.

Deployment planning

Shift planning involves assigning employees to specific tasks, shifts or projects. Qualifications, availability and legal regulations are taken into account. Companies can use effective scheduling to ensure that employees are in the right place at the right time.

Time and attendance management

Time and attendance management as part of workforce management involves recording working hours, breaks and employee absences. Modern systems enable automated time recording that not only records working hours correctly, but also complies with legal regulations and simplifies payroll accounting.

Personnel development

Personnel development is another important aspect of workforce management. Companies invest in training, further education and development opportunities to continuously increase the skills and competencies of their employees. Employees can be motivated, qualified and retained by the company in the long term through targeted personnel development.