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Create, publish and manage professional ads easily

With jacando, you can easily create your job advertisements in your own CI, define and link the application form to be completed by candidates and then easily post the job after internal approval - on your careers page, on numerous free job markets and optionally on all relevant paid online job boards.

Create, publish and manage professional ads easily
Ad creation
Ad structure
Application mask

Simple ad creation

Thanks to predefined ad layouts, jacando allows you to create a new job ad with just a few clicks. create a new job advertisement, fill it with all relevant content including image and video material in your CI and submit it for internal approval.

Professional ad structure & visuals

The structure of job advertisements created via jacando corresponds to the "best practice" of professional job boards and recruiting providers for maximum findability in job searches. At the same time, different themes as well as flexible image, video and color elements offer enough space to reflect your individual CI.

An icon representing a toggle input, toggled to the leftAn icon representing a toggle input, toggled to the right
Professional ad structure & visuals

Conversion-optimized application mask

Specify which application form an interested candidate should fill in and send and include the link to this in your advertisement instead of an e-mail address. This way you can be sure that all applications really do arrive in jacando and not by e-mail. The simpler and leaner the application form, the higher the application conversion.

Simple coordination and release

Before you put a job advertisement "live", you can submit it internally to both HR and specialist departments for approval and final release. This ensures that only what everyone has seen and approved goes online.

Simple organization
Everything in one place
Always synchronized
Maximum security

Publish an ad with one click - even on the website

Publish the job ad with just one click and include it on your website thanks to our job market tool, which can be integrated into any career page. This means that your ad is automatically listed on a large number of free job boards and metasearch engines.

Clear overview & easy customization

In jacando, you have a clear overview of all ads created and placed at all times. You can also use this to adjust ads that have already been published at any time - for example, to fine-tune the application response rate.

Multi-posting on paid job boards

With jacando, you can publish your job advertisements on all relevant fee-based online job boards in addition to your career site and free job markets with just a few clicks - and at absolutely preferential conditions.

So that the job advertisements really run "like clockwork"

jacando's key overarching functionalities ensure maximum process efficiency and data quality in employee development.

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abstract visualisation of a toggleabstract visualisation of a toggle
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