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Pröckl GmbH

Pröckl GmbH offers high-quality building envelopes in industrial and commercial construction with innovative technologies and customer-oriented service.

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A small round picture of, the author of the current success story
Doris Resch
Head of HR

Thanks to jacando, Pröckl now has all data centralized and directly available instead of four isolated HR tools


Pröckl GmbH, a medium-sized provider of building envelopes, has made the transition from an isolated HR system landscape to a linked and centralized solution with jacando. Although it is usually the HR managers who have the greatest desire for a good and efficient HR software solution, Pröckl's employees also had their say: they wanted a platform on which they could view their documents and edit data at any time. They got that with jacando. We spoke to Doris Resch, Head of HR, about how this process went and what the current status is at Pröckl with jacando.

What is Pröckl and how is the company organized?

Pröckl GmbH from Lower Bavaria is a full-service provider for high-quality and durable building envelopes in industrial and commercial construction. From consulting, planning, production and installation to complete project management, they offer everything from a single source in the roof and façade sector. The company has a total of 250 employees, 120 of whom work in the office and the rest in assembly. The fitters themselves are very international and, apart from the senior fitters, only have limited access to the systems - often only via their private mobile devices.

What prompted you to look for new HR software?

At first it was 'we need a digital personnel file'. But I didn't want another isolated tool, so I decided to overhaul the system from the ground up so that I had everything at a glance and our payroll, time recording and recruiting were all interlinked. They didn't have that before, says the HR manager.

With the old system landscape, it took Pröckl's HR department an unnecessary amount of time to understand the systems and find the right data. We are more than familiar with these cases and know what to do. Just a simple sick note here can take a good 2 hours.

On the one hand, this is no longer up to date, but above all inefficient and ties up enormous work capacities due to the high manual effort involved. Here is a concrete example of what still happens in many companies:

  1. The employee calls in sick by telephone
    • Does the employee have an overview of how many days they have already been off sick?
    • Are team leads, HR and shift planning aware of this?
  2. The illness is contagious and the team must be informed
    • How is this information communicated? Via email? Via WhatsApp?
    • Where and how is this documented?
  3. Passing on to the supervisor
    • How do his team leader and colleagues find out about the absence?
    • Where is this documented?
    • Effects on shift planning, shift work, etc.
  4. Notification to the project manager
    • Who and how informs project participants?
    • How will the employee be compensated / replaced?
  5. Replacement planning for the absence
    • How are these recorded?
    • Where are they tracked?
  6. Health insurance companies
    • How is the notification sent to the health insurance company and who keeps track of it?

Based on a very simple process of a manual sick note, you can already see that this is accompanied by a large number of manual processes, which also have an impact on other employees.



We didn't actually have any data at all, so searching through the various systems was pointless, Doris Resch explains.

So the goal was clear: all data at a glance, centralized and reliable.


What other requirements did you have for the new HR system landscape?

In addition to data centralization, Pröckl had other requirements for the new HR tool:

  1. To be able to provide employees with payroll accounting as well as other important documents such as guidelines digitally and no longer need them in paper form.
  2. Connected recruiting and integrated time recording so that data no longer has to be maintained twice and is directly linked to payroll accounting.

I couldn't spend 90% of my time on the implementation because I had too many parallel issues. Fortunately, the jacando onboarding team prepared everything well in parallel, so the system itself was up and running very quickly. The next step, which included uploading the documents and setting up the workflows, took us a little longer because the entire HR department was very busy. So it took a few months longer to set everything up, but we were still able to use the software completely at the same time, which was great.


What were the three biggest challenges in HR before jacando?

Firstly, the lack of interfaces and the many different systems, as just described. Secondly, far too much in paper form and manually for 2024. And thirdly, probably the digital provision of important documents so that employees can easily access them at any time, the HR manager replies.

So the case was clear for Pröckl: something new was needed. So Doris Resch set out to find this solution, spoke to various providers and finally chose jacando.


Why jacando?

As a medium-sized company with 250 employees, Pröckl already needed more advanced functions that all-in-one tools designed for start-ups cannot provide. 

Some of the tools I looked at are perhaps quite good for up to 100 employees, but they weren't enough for us. The large HR software providers for corporate structures were again too complex. A lot of it just doesn't interest me at all.

jacando was able to cover the perfect middle ground for Pröckl: from an expanded digital personnel file and clean time recording to stable document management and good interfaces, everything was there for Pröckl's needs.


How did the implementation of jacando go?

Doris Resch was also responsible for the project during the implementation and was therefore our main contact person. We were able to pull a lot of data from the existing systems and so the system was up and running relatively quickly from our side.

The HR manager talks about her experience:

I couldn't spend 90% of my time on the implementation because I had too many parallel issues. Fortunately, the jacando onboarding team prepared everything well in parallel, so that the system itself was up and running very quickly. The next step, which included uploading the documents and setting up the workflows, took us a little longer because the entire HR department was very busy. So it took a few months longer to set everything up, but we were still able to use the software in full at the same time, which was great.


How was jacando accepted in the company?

The HR manager gave small internal training courses for the employees and created a manual with the most important functions of jacando. We always recommend further training on new software, as this ensures better use and acceptance of the tool. If you don't have the time to do this yourself, the jacando onboarding team can also provide training on request.

The feedback from employees was very good overall. Some less tech-savvy colleagues didn't know where to find things straight away, but after my training and the manual, everything was clear and was well received. In an IT company, you probably don't need this kind of training, but it was important for us. The employees' favorite is definitely the personnel file, because they can see everything important here and upload it themselves. As we have a lot of international colleagues, especially on the assembly line, it's good that jacando works great in several languages and is also mobile user-friendly, says Doris Resch.


What makes jacando the right HR software for you?

I think jacando is very clear overall and the layout is great for employees who mainly record their time and use document management. I also really enjoy working with it as an HR manager, says Doris Resch.

We would like to thank Pröckl for the great cooperation so far and look forward to all further joint projects!


How jacando can help SMEs:

jacando aims to map complexity without being complex to use.

Our software consists of several solutions that free up HR managers' valuable time thanks to clean processes, centralized data and automation.

Our HR software covers all areas of the HR department:

  • Personnel administration
  • recruiting
  • time management
  • talent management

By digitizing your HR processes, as X-Trade has done with jacando, you can use the time usually needed for administrative tasks for more important projects. This gives the HR function in your company strategic importance, and we support you in this.